Browser compatibility
# Desktop environment
CKEditor 5 is currently supported in the following desktop browsers:
- Full support:
- Chrome (latest stable release).
- Firefox (latest stable release).
- Safari (latest stable release).
- Opera (latest stable release).
- Electron (latest stable release).
- Edge (latest stable release).
# Mobile environment
CKEditor 5 is currently supported in the following mobile environments:
- Android (all vendor-supported versions)
- iOS (all vendor-supported versions)
- Android WebView
- iOS WebView (UIWebView and WKWebView)
# Quality assurance
To ensure the highest quality, we maintain a complete test suite with a stable 100% of code coverage for each of the packages. As of May 2022, this means over 21,000 tests and the number is growing – you can check the Why CKEditor? page if you want more statistics about CKEditor!
Such an extensive test suite requires a proper continuous integration service. We use Travis CI as a build platform. This service ensures seamless and fast developer experience and allow us to focus on the job.
Every day, we work hard to keep our documentation complete. Have you spotted an outdated information? Is something missing? Please report it via our issue tracker.