



Contains downcast (model-to-view) converters for DowncastDispatcher.



Type Definitions


  • clearAttributes() → function

    Function factory that creates a converter which clears artifacts after the previous model selection conversion. It removes all empty view attribute elements and merges sibling attributes at all start and end positions of all ranges.

    -> <p>^</p>
    -> <p><strong>foo^bar<strong>bar</p>
    -> <p><strong>foo^bar<strong>bar</p>

    This listener should be assigned before any converter for the new selection:

    modelDispatcher.on( 'selection', clearAttributes() );

    See convertCollapsedSelection which does the opposite by breaking attributes in the selection position.



    Selection converter.

  • convertCollapsedSelection() → function

    Function factory that creates a converter which converts a collapsed model selection to a view selection. The converter consumes appropriate value from the consumable object, maps the model selection position to the view position and breaks attribute elements at the selection position.

    modelDispatcher.on( 'selection', convertCollapsedSelection() );

    An example of the view state before and after converting the collapsed selection:

    -> <p><strong>f</strong>^<strong>oo</strong>bar</p>

    By breaking attribute elements like <strong>, the selection is in a correct element. Then, when the selection attribute is converted, broken attributes might be merged again, or the position where the selection is may be wrapped with different, appropriate attribute elements.

    See also clearAttributes which does a clean-up by merging attributes.



    Selection converter.

  • convertRangeSelection() → function

    Function factory that creates a converter which converts a non-collapsed model selection to a view selection. The converter consumes appropriate value from the consumable object and maps model positions from the selection to view positions.

    modelDispatcher.on( 'selection', convertRangeSelection() );



    Selection converter.

  • createViewElementFromHighlightDescriptor( writer, descriptor ) → AttributeElement

    Creates a <span> view attribute element from the information provided by the highlight descriptor object. If the priority is not provided in the descriptor, the default priority will be used.


    writer : DowncastWriter
    descriptor : HighlightDescriptor


  • insertAttributesAndChildren() → function

    Function factory that creates a default downcast converter for triggering attributes and children conversion.



    The converter.

  • insertElement( elementCreator, [ consumer ] ) → function


    Function factory that creates a converter which converts node insertion changes from the model to the view. The function passed will be provided with all the parameters of the dispatcher's insert event. It is expected that the function returns an Element. The result of the function will be inserted into the view.

    The converter automatically consumes the corresponding value from the consumables list and binds the model and view elements.

    	insertElement( ( modelItem, { writer } ) => {
    		const text = writer.createText( 'myText' );
    		const myElem = writer.createElement( 'myElem', { myAttr: 'my-' + modelItem.getAttribute( 'myAttr' ) }, text );
    		// Do something fancy with `myElem` using `modelItem` or other parameters.
    		return myElem;
    ) );


    elementCreator : function

    Function returning a view element, which will be inserted.

    [ consumer ] : ConsumerFunction

    Function defining element consumption process. By default this function just consume passed item insertion.



    Insert element event converter.

  • insertStructure( elementCreator, consumer ) → function


    Function factory that creates a converter which converts a single model node insertion to a view structure.

    It is expected that the passed element creator function returns an Element with attached slots created with writer.createSlot() to indicate where child nodes should be converted.


    elementCreator : StructureCreatorFunction

    Function returning a view structure, which will be inserted.

    consumer : ConsumerFunction

    A callback that is expected to consume all the consumables that were used by the element creator.



    Insert element event converter.


  • insertText() → function

    Function factory that creates a default downcast converter for text insertion changes.

    The converter automatically consumes the corresponding value from the consumables list and stops the event (see DowncastDispatcher).

    modelDispatcher.on( 'insert:$text', insertText() );



    Insert text event converter.

  • insertUIElement( elementCreator ) → function


    Function factory that creates a converter which converts marker adding change to the view UI element.

    The view UI element that will be added to the view depends on the passed parameter. See insertElement. In case of a non-collapsed range, the UI element will not wrap nodes but separate elements will be placed at the beginning and at the end of the range.

    This converter binds created UI elements with the marker name using bindElementToMarker.


    elementCreator : UIElement | function

    A view UI element or a function returning the view element that will be inserted.



    Insert element event converter.

  • remove() → function

    Function factory that creates a default downcast converter for node remove changes.

    modelDispatcher.on( 'remove', remove() );



    Remove event converter.

  • wrap( elementCreator ) → function


    Function factory that creates a converter which converts the set/change/remove attribute changes from the model to the view. It can also be used to convert selection attributes. In that case, an empty attribute element will be created and the selection will be put inside it.

    Attributes from the model are converted to a view element that will be wrapping these view nodes that are bound to model elements having the given attribute. This is useful for attributes like bold that may be set on text nodes in the model but are represented as an element in the view:

    [paragraph]              MODEL ====> VIEW        <p>
    	|- a {bold: true}                             |- <b>
    	|- b {bold: true}                             |   |- ab
    	|- c                                          |- c

    Passed Function will be provided with the attribute value and then all the parameters of the attribute event. It is expected that the function returns an Element. The result of the function will be the wrapping element. When the provided Function does not return any element, no conversion will take place.

    The converter automatically consumes the corresponding value from the consumables list and stops the event (see DowncastDispatcher).

    modelDispatcher.on( 'attribute:bold', wrap( ( modelAttributeValue, { writer } ) => {
    	return writer.createAttributeElement( 'strong' );
    } );


    elementCreator : function

    Function returning a view element that will be used for wrapping.



    Set/change attribute converter.