
ViewElementConsumables (engine/conversion)


class private

This is a private helper-class for ViewConsumable. It represents and manipulates consumable parts of a single Element.



  • element : Node | DocumentFragment


  • _canConsumeName : Boolean


    Flag indicating if name of the element can be consumed.

  • _consumables : Object


    Contains maps of element's consumables: attributes, classes and styles.


  • constructor( from )

    Creates ViewElementConsumables instance.


    from : Node | DocumentFragment

    View node or document fragment from which ViewElementConsumables is being created.

  • add( consumables = {, consumables.attributes, consumables.classes, consumables.styles } )

    Adds consumable parts of the view element. Element's name itself can be marked to be consumed (when element's name is consumed its attributes, classes and styles still could be consumed):

    consumables.add( { name: true } );

    Attributes classes and styles:

    consumables.add( { attributes: 'title', classes: 'foo', styles: 'color' } );
    consumables.add( { attributes: [ 'title', 'name' ], classes: [ 'foo', 'bar' ] );

    Throws CKEditorError viewconsumable-invalid-attribute when class or style attribute is provided - it should be handled separately by providing style and class in consumables object.


    consumables : Object

    Object describing which parts of the element can be consumed.

    Properties : Boolean

    If set to true element's name will be added as consumable.

    consumables.attributes : String | Array.<String>

    Attribute name or array of attribute names to add as consumable.

    consumables.classes : String | Array.<String>

    Class name or array of class names to add as consumable.

    consumables.styles : String | Array.<String>

    Style name or array of style names to add as consumable.

  • consume( consumables = {, consumables.attributes, consumables.classes, consumables.styles } )

    Consumes parts of view element. This function does not check if consumable item is already consumed - it consumes all consumable items provided. Element's name can be consumed:

    consumables.consume( { name: true } );

    Attributes classes and styles:

    consumables.consume( { attributes: 'title', classes: 'foo', styles: 'color' } );
    consumables.consume( { attributes: [ 'title', 'name' ], classes: [ 'foo', 'bar' ] );


    consumables : Object

    Object describing which parts of the element should be consumed.

    Properties : Boolean

    If set to true element's name will be consumed.

    consumables.attributes : String | Array.<String>

    Attribute name or array of attribute names to consume.

    consumables.classes : String | Array.<String>

    Class name or array of class names to consume.

    consumables.styles : String | Array.<String>

    Style name or array of style names to consume.

  • revert( consumables = {, consumables.attributes, consumables.classes, consumables.styles } )

    Revert already consumed parts of view Element, so they can be consumed once again. Element's name can be reverted:

    consumables.revert( { name: true } );

    Attributes classes and styles:

    consumables.revert( { attributes: 'title', classes: 'foo', styles: 'color' } );
    consumables.revert( { attributes: [ 'title', 'name' ], classes: [ 'foo', 'bar' ] );


    consumables : Object

    Object describing which parts of the element should be reverted.

    Properties : Boolean

    If set to true element's name will be reverted.

    consumables.attributes : String | Array.<String>

    Attribute name or array of attribute names to revert.

    consumables.classes : String | Array.<String>

    Class name or array of class names to revert.

    consumables.styles : String | Array.<String>

    Style name or array of style names to revert.

  • test( consumables = {, consumables.attributes, consumables.classes, consumables.styles } ) → Boolean | null

    Tests if parts of the view node can be consumed.

    Element's name can be tested:

    consumables.test( { name: true } );

    Attributes classes and styles:

    consumables.test( { attributes: 'title', classes: 'foo', styles: 'color' } );
    consumables.test( { attributes: [ 'title', 'name' ], classes: [ 'foo', 'bar' ] );


    consumables : Object

    Object describing which parts of the element should be tested.

    Properties : Boolean

    If set to true element's name will be tested.

    consumables.attributes : String | Array.<String>

    Attribute name or array of attribute names to test.

    consumables.classes : String | Array.<String>

    Class name or array of class names to test.

    consumables.styles : String | Array.<String>

    Style name or array of style names to test.


    Boolean | null

    true when all tested items can be consumed, null when even one of the items was never marked for consumption and false when even one of the items was already consumed.

  • _add( type, item )


    Helper method that adds consumables of a given type: attribute, class or style.

    Throws CKEditorError viewconsumable-invalid-attribute when class or style type is provided - it should be handled separately by providing actual style/class type.


    type : String

    Type of the consumable item: attributes, classes or styles.

    item : String | Array.<String>

    Consumable item or array of items.

  • _consume( type, item )


    Helper method that consumes items of a given type: attribute, class or style.


    type : String

    Type of the consumable item: attributes, classes or styles.

    item : String | Array.<String>

    Consumable item or array of items.

  • _revert( type, item )


    Helper method that reverts items of a given type: attribute, class or style.


    type : String

    Type of the consumable item: attributes, classes or , styles.

    item : String | Array.<String>

    Consumable item or array of items.

  • _test( type, item ) → Boolean | null


    Helper method that tests consumables of a given type: attribute, class or style.


    type : String

    Type of the consumable item: attributes, classes or styles.

    item : String | Array.<String>

    Consumable item or array of items.


    Boolean | null

    Returns true if all items can be consumed, null when one of the items cannot be consumed and false when one of the items is already consumed.