
Options (utils/dom)



The getOptimalPosition() helper options.



  • element : HTMLElement

    Element that is to be positioned.

  • fitInViewport : Boolean

    When set, the algorithm will chose such a position which fits element the most inside visible viewport.

  • limiter : HTMLElement | Range | Window | ClientRect | DOMRect | Rect | Object | function

    When set, the algorithm will chose position which fits the most in the limiter's bounding rect.

  • positions : Array.<positioningFunction>

    An array of positioning functions.

    Note: Positioning functions are processed in the order of preference. The first function that works in the current environment (e.g. offers the complete fit in the viewport geometry) will be picked by getOptimalPosition().

    Note: Any positioning function returning null is ignored.

  • target : HTMLElement | Range | Window | ClientRect | DOMRect | Rect | Object | function

    Target with respect to which the element is to be positioned.

  • viewportOffsetConfig : Object

    Viewport offset config object. It restricts the visible viewport available to the getOptimalPosition() from each side.

    	top: 50,
    	right: 50,
    	bottom: 50,
    	left: 50