
FocusCycler (ui)



A utility class that helps cycling over focusable views in a ViewCollection when the focus is tracked by the FocusTracker instance. It helps implementing keyboard navigation in HTML forms, toolbars, lists and the like.

To work properly it requires:

  • a collection of focusable (HTML tabindex attribute) views that implement the focus() method,
  • an associated focus tracker to determine which view is focused.

A simple cycler setup can look like this:

const focusables = new ViewCollection();
const focusTracker = new FocusTracker();

// Add focusable views to the focus tracker.
focusTracker.add( ... );

Then, the cycler can be used manually:

const cycler = new FocusCycler( { focusables, focusTracker } );

// Will focus the first focusable view in #focusables.

// Will log the next focusable item in #focusables.
console.log( );

Alternatively, it can work side by side with the KeystrokeHandler:

const keystrokeHandler = new KeystrokeHandler();

// Activate the keystroke handler.
keystrokeHandler.listenTo( sourceOfEvents );

const cycler = new FocusCycler( {
	focusables, focusTracker, keystrokeHandler,
	actions: {
		// When arrowup of arrowleft is detected by the #keystrokeHandler,
		// focusPrevious() will be called on the cycler.
		focusPrevious: [ 'arrowup', 'arrowleft' ],
} );

Check out the "Deep dive into focus tracking" guide to learn more.



  • actions : Object


    Actions that the cycler can take when a keystroke is pressed. Requires options.keystrokeHandler to be passed and working. When an action is performed, preventDefault and stopPropagation will be called on the event the keystroke fired in the DOM.

    actions: {
    	// Will call #focusPrevious() when arrowleft or arrowup is pressed.
    	focusPrevious: [ 'arrowleft', 'arrowup' ],
    	// Will call #focusNext() when arrowdown is pressed.
    	focusNext: 'arrowdown'
  • current : Number | null


    An index of the view in the focusables which is focused according to focusTracker. Returns null when there is no such view.

  • first : View | null


    Returns the first focusable view in focusables. Returns null if there is none.

    Note: Hidden views (e.g. with display: none) are ignored.

  • focusTracker : FocusTracker


    A focus tracker instance that the cycler uses to determine the current focus state in focusables.

  • focusables : Collection


    A view collection that the cycler operates on.

  • keystrokeHandler : KeystrokeHandler


    An instance of the KeystrokeHandler which can respond to certain keystrokes and cycle the focus.

  • last : View | null


    Returns the last focusable view in focusables. Returns null if there is none.

    Note: Hidden views (e.g. with display: none) are ignored.

  • next : View | null


    Returns the next focusable view in focusables based on current. Returns null if there is none.

    Note: Hidden views (e.g. with display: none) are ignored.

  • previous : View | null


    Returns the previous focusable view in focusables based on current. Returns null if there is none.

    Note: Hidden views (e.g. with display: none) are ignored.


  • constructor( options = { options.focusables, options.focusTracker, [options.keystrokeHandler], [options.actions] } )

    Creates an instance of the focus cycler utility.


    options : Object

    Configuration options.

    options.focusables : Collection | Object
    options.focusTracker : FocusTracker
    [ options.keystrokeHandler ] : KeystrokeHandler
    [ options.actions ] : Object
  • focusFirst()

    Focuses the first item in focusables.

    Note: Hidden views (e.g. with display: none) are ignored.

  • focusLast()

    Focuses the last item in focusables.

    Note: Hidden views (e.g. with display: none) are ignored.

  • focusNext()

    Focuses the next item in focusables.

    Note: Hidden views (e.g. with display: none) are ignored.

  • focusPrevious()

    Focuses the previous item in focusables.

    Note: Hidden views (e.g. with display: none) are ignored.

  • _focus( view )


    Focuses the given view if it exists.


    view : View
  • _getFocusableItem( step ) → View | null


    Returns the next or previous focusable view in focusables with respect to current.


    step : Number

    Either 1 for checking forward from current or -1 for checking backwards.


    View | null