
TrackChangesEditing (track-changes)



Provides editing part of the track changes plugin.



  • _descriptionFactory : SuggestionDescriptionFactory

    Descriptions factory which generates descriptions for the suggestions created by the track changes plugin.

  • activeMarkers : Array.<String>


    List of names of active (highlighted) markers.

  • adapter : TrackChangesAdapter

    An adapter object that should communicate with the data source to fetch or save the suggestion data.

  • editor : Editor

    readonly inherited

    The editor instance.

    Note that most editors implement the EditorWithUI interface in addition to the base Editor interface. However, editors with an external UI (i.e. Bootstrap-based) or a headless editor may not implement the EditorWithUI interface.

    Because of above, to make plugins more universal, it is recommended to split features into:

    • The "editing" part that only uses the Editor interface.
    • The "UI" part that uses both the Editor interface and the EditorWithUI interface.
  • isEnabled : Boolean

    readonly inherited observable

    Flag indicating whether a plugin is enabled or disabled. A disabled plugin will not transform text.

    Plugin can be simply disabled like that:

    // Disable the plugin so that no toolbars are visible.
    editor.plugins.get( 'TextTransformation' ).isEnabled = false;

    You can also use forceDisabled method.

  • _disableStack : Set.<String>

    private inherited

    Holds identifiers for forceDisabled mechanism.

Static properties

  • isContextPlugin : Boolean

    readonly inherited static

    A flag which defines if a plugin is allowed or not allowed to be used directly by a Context.

  • pluginName : String | undefined

    readonly inherited static

    An optional name of the plugin. If set, the plugin will be available in get by its name and its constructor. If not, then only by its constructor.

    The name should reflect the constructor name.

    To keep the plugin class definition tight, it is recommended to define this property as a static getter:

    export default class ImageCaption {
    	static get pluginName() {
    		return 'ImageCaption';

    Note: The native property could not be used to keep the plugin name because it will be mangled during code minification.

    Naming a plugin is necessary to enable removing it through the config.removePlugins option.

  • requires : Array.<Function> | undefined

    readonly inherited static

    An array of plugins required by this plugin.

    To keep the plugin class definition tight it is recommended to define this property as a static getter:

    import Image from './image.js';
    export default class ImageCaption {
    	static get requires() {
    		return [ Image ];


  • constructor( editor )


    Creates a new plugin instance. This is the first step of the plugin initialization. See also init and afterInit.

    A plugin is always instantiated after its dependencies and the init and afterInit methods are called in the same order.

    Usually, you will want to put your plugin's initialization code in the init method. The constructor can be understood as "before init" and used in special cases, just like afterInit serves the special "after init" scenarios (e.g.the code which depends on other plugins, but which does not explicitly require them).


    editor : Editor
  • acceptSuggestion( suggestion )

    Accept all adjacent suggestions.


    suggestion : Suggestion

    The suggestion to accept.

  • addSuggestionData( data ) → Suggestion

    Adds suggestion data.


    data : SuggestionData

    Suggestion data to add.



    Suggestion instance.

  • afterInit() → null | Promise


    The third (and last) stage of the plugin initialization. See also constructor and init.

    Note: This method is optional. A plugin instance does not need to have it defined.


    null | Promise
  • bind( bindProperties ) → Object


    Binds observable properties to other objects implementing the Observable interface.

    Read more in the dedicated guide covering the topic of property bindings with some additional examples.

    Consider two objects: a button and an associated command (both Observable).

    A simple property binding could be as follows:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).to( command, 'isEnabled' );

    or even shorter:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).to( command );

    which works in the following way:

    • button.isEnabled instantly equals command.isEnabled,
    • whenever command.isEnabled changes, button.isEnabled will immediately reflect its value.

    Note: To release the binding, use unbind.

    You can also "rename" the property in the binding by specifying the new name in the to() chain:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).to( command, 'isWorking' );

    It is possible to bind more than one property at a time to shorten the code:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled', 'value' ).to( command );

    which corresponds to:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).to( command );
    button.bind( 'value' ).to( command );

    The binding can include more than one observable, combining multiple data sources in a custom callback:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).to( command, 'isEnabled', ui, 'isVisible',
    	( isCommandEnabled, isUIVisible ) => isCommandEnabled && isUIVisible );

    Using a custom callback allows processing the value before passing it to the target property:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).to( command, 'value', value => value === 'heading1' );

    It is also possible to bind to the same property in an array of observables. To bind a button to multiple commands (also Observables) so that each and every one of them must be enabled for the button to become enabled, use the following code:

    button.bind( 'isEnabled' ).toMany( [ commandA, commandB, commandC ], 'isEnabled',
    	( isAEnabled, isBEnabled, isCEnabled ) => isAEnabled && isBEnabled && isCEnabled );


    bindProperties : String

    Observable properties that will be bound to other observable(s).



    The bind chain with the to() and toMany() methods.

  • clearForceDisabled( id )


    Clears forced disable previously set through forceDisabled. See forceDisabled.


    id : String

    Unique identifier, equal to the one passed in forceDisabled call.

  • decorate( methodName )


    Turns the given methods of this object into event-based ones. This means that the new method will fire an event (named after the method) and the original action will be plugged as a listener to that event.

    Read more in the dedicated guide covering the topic of decorating methods with some additional examples.

    Decorating the method does not change its behavior (it only adds an event), but it allows to modify it later on by listening to the method's event.

    For example, to cancel the method execution the event can be stopped:

    class Foo {
    	constructor() {
    		this.decorate( 'method' );
    	method() {
    		console.log( 'called!' );
    const foo = new Foo();
    foo.on( 'method', ( evt ) => {
    }, { priority: 'high' } );
    foo.method(); // Nothing is logged.

    Note: The high priority listener has been used to execute this particular callback before the one which calls the original method (which uses the "normal" priority).

    It is also possible to change the returned value:

    foo.on( 'method', ( evt ) => {
    	evt.return = 'Foo!';
    } );
    foo.method(); // -> 'Foo'

    Finally, it is possible to access and modify the arguments the method is called with:

    method( a, b ) {
    	console.log( `${ a }, ${ b }`  );
    // ...
    foo.on( 'method', ( evt, args ) => {
    	args[ 0 ] = 3;
    	console.log( args[ 1 ] ); // -> 2
    }, { priority: 'high' } );
    foo.method( 1, 2 ); // -> '3, 2'


    methodName : String

    Name of the method to decorate.

  • delegate( events ) → EmitterMixinDelegateChain


    Delegates selected events to another Emitter. For instance:

    emitterA.delegate( 'eventX' ).to( emitterB );
    emitterA.delegate( 'eventX', 'eventY' ).to( emitterC );

    then eventX is delegated (fired by) emitterB and emitterC along with data: 'eventX', data );

    and eventY is delegated (fired by) emitterC along with data: 'eventY', data );


    events : String

    Event names that will be delegated to another emitter.


  • destroy() → null | Promise


    Destroys the plugin.

    Note: This method is optional. A plugin instance does not need to have it defined.


    null | Promise
  • discardSuggestion( suggestion )

    Discard all adjacent suggestions.


    suggestion : Suggestion

    The suggestion to discard.

  • enableCommand( commandName, [ callback ] )

    Enables command with given commandName in track changes mode.

    When a command gets enabled in track changes mode, its original execute() method is overwritten by provided callback() function. The callback() should provide alternative logic to be executed instead.

    The callback() function is passed one or more parameters:

    • the first parameter is executeCommand(), a function that upon calling will fire the original execute() method,
    • then, all the parameters passed to original execute() call are passed.

    Using those parameters it is possible to call the original command in the callback() (or skip it) and also do something before and/or after that call.

    If callback is not set then the command will work the same both when track changes is on and off.

    See the Integrating track changes with custom features guide to learn more about enabling your feature in the suggestion mode.


    commandName : String

    Name of the command to enable.

    [ callback ] : function

    Callback to fire when the enabled command is executed.

  • fire( eventOrInfo, [ args ] ) → *


    Fires an event, executing all callbacks registered for it.

    The first parameter passed to callbacks is an EventInfo object, followed by the optional args provided in the fire() method call.


    eventOrInfo : String | EventInfo

    The name of the event or EventInfo object if event is delegated.

    [ args ] : *

    Additional arguments to be passed to the callbacks.



    By default the method returns undefined. However, the return value can be changed by listeners through modification of the evt.return's property (the event info is the first param of every callback).

  • forceDefaultExecution( callback ) → *

    Temporarily disable track changes to accept or discard a suggestion without intercepting original calls.


    callback : function


  • forceDisabled( id )


    Disables the plugin.

    Plugin may be disabled by multiple features or algorithms (at once). When disabling a plugin, unique id should be passed (e.g. feature name). The same identifier should be used when enabling back the plugin. The plugin becomes enabled only after all features enabled it back.

    Disabling and enabling a plugin:

    plugin.isEnabled; // -> true
    plugin.forceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
    plugin.isEnabled; // -> false
    plugin.clearForceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
    plugin.isEnabled; // -> true

    Plugin disabled by multiple features:

    plugin.forceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
    plugin.forceDisabled( 'OtherFeature' );
    plugin.clearForceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
    plugin.isEnabled; // -> false
    plugin.clearForceDisabled( 'OtherFeature' );
    plugin.isEnabled; // -> true

    Multiple disabling with the same identifier is redundant:

    plugin.forceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
    plugin.forceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
    plugin.clearForceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
    plugin.isEnabled; // -> true

    Note: some plugins or algorithms may have more complex logic when it comes to enabling or disabling certain plugins, so the plugin might be still disabled after clearForceDisabled was used.


    id : String

    Unique identifier for disabling. Use the same id when enabling back the plugin.

  • getSuggestion( id ) → Suggestion

    Returns suggestion for given id.


    id : String

    Suggestion id.


  • getSuggestions( [ options ] = { [options.skipNotAttached], [options.toJSON] } ) → Array.<(Suggestion | Object)>

    Returns the list of all Suggestion instances existing in the editor.


    [ options ] : Object
    [ options.skipNotAttached ] : Boolean

    Skip removed suggestions.

    Defaults to false

    [ options.toJSON ] : Boolean

    Return the data in JSON format (that is compatible with addSuggestionData).

    Defaults to false


    Array.<(Suggestion | Object)>
  • hasSuggestion( id ) → Boolean

    Checks if suggestion of given id exist.


    id : String

    Suggestion id.


  • init() → null | Promise


    The second stage (after plugin constructor) of the plugin initialization. Unlike the plugin constructor this method can be asynchronous.

    A plugin's init() method is called after its dependencies are initialized, so in the same order as the constructors of these plugins.

    Note: This method is optional. A plugin instance does not need to have it defined.


    null | Promise
  • listenTo( emitter, event, callback, [ options ] = { [options.priority] } )


    Registers a callback function to be executed when an event is fired in a specific (emitter) object.

    Events can be grouped in namespaces using :. When namespaced event is fired, it additionally fires all callbacks for that namespace.

    // myEmitter.on( ... ) is a shorthand for myEmitter.listenTo( myEmitter, ... ).
    myEmitter.on( 'myGroup', genericCallback );
    myEmitter.on( 'myGroup:myEvent', specificCallback );
    // genericCallback is fired. 'myGroup' );
    // both genericCallback and specificCallback are fired. 'myGroup:myEvent' );
    // genericCallback is fired even though there are no callbacks for "foo". 'myGroup:foo' );

    An event callback can stop the event and set the return value of the fire method.


    emitter : Emitter

    The object that fires the event.

    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to be called on event.

    [ options ] : Object

    Additional options.

    [ options.priority ] : PriorityString | Number

    The priority of this event callback. The higher the priority value the sooner the callback will be fired. Events having the same priority are called in the order they were added.

    Defaults to 'normal'

    Defaults to {}

  • markBlockFormat( elementOrRange, formatData = { formatData.commandName, formatData.commandParams, [formatData.formatGroupId] }, [ affectedElements ], [ subType ], [ attributes ] )

    Marks a block format suggestion on the given range.

    Block format suggestions are directly coupled with editor commands and represent a command execution on the given range or element.

    This type of format suggestion is suitable for formatting (attribute) changes on block elements. Changes like resizing image, applying block quote or changing header type use this type of format suggestion.

    Pass element if the suggestion should be marked exactly on that element. This is suitable if the command modifies exactly given element (for example, changes an attribute of that element). If such element is split, an additional suggestion is created for the new element:

    [<paragraph>Foobar]</paragraph>  -->  [<paragraph>Foo]</paragraph>[<paragraph>bar]</paragraph>

    Pass range for suggestions representing commands that can be executed on multiple blocks at once. This is suitable for commands which modifies all the block elements found in given range (those commands usually operate on selection ranges). This creates only one suggestion for the whole range and do not create additional suggestions if blocks in the range are split:

    [<paragraph>Foobar]</paragraph>  -->  [<paragraph>Foo</paragraph><paragraph>Bar]</paragraph>

    Example of marking block format suggestion on an element:

    trackChangesPlugin.markBlockFormat( paragraphElement, {
    	commandName: 'heading',
    	commandParams: [ { value: 'heading1' } ],
    	formatGroupId: 'blockName'
    } );

    Example of marking block format suggestion on a range:

    plugin.markBlockFormat( selectionRange, {
    	commandName: 'blockQuote',
    	commandParams: [ { forceValue: true } ]
    } );

    If you pass a range, it should start before the first element to change and end:

    • for blocks (like paragraph, list item, heading, etc.): at the end of the last element to change,

    • for objects (like image, table, media embed, etc.): after the last element to change.

      [<paragraph>Foo</paragraph><imageBlock src="foo.jpg"></imageBlock>]<paragraph>Xyz</paragraph>

    This method should be used in callback() in TrackChangesEditing#enableCommand to inform the track changes plugin about a suggestion that happened.

    Always call this method inside model.change() or model.enqueueChange() block to ensure that all operations performed by this method are bound with one undo step.

    When a format suggestion is accepted the command is executed based on parameters passed in formatData.

    If a block format suggestion is marked inside the local user's insertion suggestion, the change is applied directly and no suggestion is created. Note that this does not support partial intersections with insertion suggestions (as opposed to inline format suggestions).

    See the Integrating track changes with custom features guide to learn more about enabling your feature in the suggestion mode.


    elementOrRange : Range | Element

    Element or range on which the change happened.

    formatData : Object

    Command parameters and additional suggestion parameters. Passed value is also saved in Suggestion#data property.

    formatData.commandName : String

    Name of the command to execute when the suggestion is accepted.

    formatData.commandParams : Array

    Parameters with which the command should be executed.

    [ formatData.formatGroupId ] : String

    Additional grouping parameter for suggestions. If a suggestion would be set on an element which already has a different suggestion with the same formatGroupId, the new suggestion will overwrite the old one (the old one will be removed). Defaults to commandName parameter, so different suggestions of the same command overwrite each other. Using this parameter you might expand this behavior so that multiple commands overwrite each other.

    Defaults to formatData.commandName

    [ affectedElements ] : Array.<Element>

    Elements (other than elementOrRange) that are also affected by the command execution. This parameter is used when the effect of the command execution is larger than elementOrRange. It is used when determining whether the change should be applied directly or if the suggestion should be created.

    [ subType ] : String | null

    Suggestion subType to set. If not set (which is the default and recommended use) the sub type value is a string hash generated from formatData. This guarantees that all block format suggestions that perform the same changes have the same sub types (and can be properly handled).

    [ attributes ] : Object

    Custom suggestion attributes.

  • markDeletion( range, [ subType ], [ attributes ] ) → Suggestion | null

    Marks a single-range deletion suggestion on given range.

    If the range to mark intersects with or contains insertion suggestions created by the local user, those suggestions may be removed in a part or in the whole together with their content.

    trackChangesPlugin.markDeletion( deletedRange );
    trackChangesPlugin.markDeletion( deletedRange, 'customDeletion' );

    This method should be used in callback() in TrackChangesEditing#enableCommand to inform the track changes plugin about a suggestion that happened.

    Always call this method inside model.change() or model.enqueueChange() block to ensure that all operations performed by this method are bound with one undo step.

    See Integrating track changes with custom features guide to learn more about enabling your feature in the suggestion mode.


    range : Range

    Range which should be marked as deletion suggestion.

    [ subType ] : String | null

    Suggestion subType to set. If not set, suggestion will be a generic insertion suggestion. Only suggestions with the same sub type will be joined.

    [ attributes ] : Object

    Custom suggestion attributes.


    Suggestion | null

    Suggestion created or expanded as a result of execution of this method. Returns null if given range was collapsed or the deletion was in insertion (so no suggestion was created or expanded).

  • markInlineFormat( range, formatData = { formatData.commandName, formatData.commandParams }, [ subType ], [ attributes ] )

    Marks an inline format suggestion on the given range.

    This type of format suggestion is suitable for formatting (attribute) changes on inline elements and text. Changes like adding bold or setting a link use this type of format suggestion.

    Inline format suggestions are directly coupled with editor commands and represent a command execution on given range.

    trackChangesPlugin.markInlineFormat( formattedRange, {
    	commandName: 'bold',
    	commandParams: [ { forceValue: true } ]
    } );
    trackChangesPlugin.markInlineFormat( formattedRange, formatData, 'customSubType' );

    This method should be used in callback() in TrackChangesEditing#enableCommand to inform the track changes plugin about a suggestion that happened.

    Always call this method inside model.change() or model.enqueueChange() block to ensure that all operations performed by this method are bound with one undo step.

    When a format suggestion is accepted the command is executed based on parameters passed in formatData.

    If an inline format suggestion is marked inside the local user's insertion suggestion, the change is applied directly and no suggestion is created. This supports partial intersections with insertion suggestions.

    See the Integrating track changes with custom features guide to learn more about enabling your feature in the suggestion mode.


    range : Range

    Range on which the change happened.

    formatData : Object

    Command parameters. Passed value is also saved in Suggestion#data property.

    formatData.commandName : String

    Name of the command to execute when the suggestion is accepted.

    formatData.commandParams : Array

    Parameters with which the command should be executed.

    [ subType ] : String | null

    Suggestion subType to set. If not set (which is the default and recommended use) the sub type value is a string hash generated from formatData. This guarantees that all inline format suggestions that perform the same changes have the same sub type (and can be properly handled).

    [ attributes ] : Object

    Custom suggestion attributes.

  • markInsertion( range, [ subType ], [ attributes ] ) → Suggestion | null

    Marks a single-range insertion suggestion on the given range.

    It is expected that given range is a range on just-created content and does not intersect with any other suggestion ranges.

    trackChangesPlugin.markInsertion( insertionRange );
    trackChangesPlugin.markInsertion( insertionRange, 'customInsertion' );

    This method should be used in callback() in TrackChangesEditing#enableCommand to inform the track changes plugin about a suggestion that happened.

    Always call this method inside model.change() or model.enqueueChange() block to ensure that all operations performed by this method are bound with one undo step.

    See Integrating track changes with custom features guide to learn more about enabling your feature in the suggestion mode.


    range : Range

    Range on content which got inserted.

    [ subType ] : String | null

    Suggestion subType to set. If not set, suggestion will be a generic insertion suggestion. Only suggestions with the same sub type will be joined.

    [ attributes ] : Object

    Custom suggestion attributes.


    Suggestion | null

    Suggestion created or expanded as a result of execution of this method. Returns null if given range was collapsed (so no suggestion was created or expanded).

  • markMultiRangeBlockFormat( elements, formatData = { formatData.commandName, formatData.commandParams, [formatData.formatGroupId] }, [ affectedElements ], [ subType ], [ attributes ] )

    Marks a multi-range block format suggestion on given elements.

    See TrackChangesEditing#markBlockFormat() to learn more about block format suggestions. Note that this method can be used only on elements (not on ranges).

    This method is useful for creating a format suggestion on multiple elements which are not siblings, so one range cannot be used.

    This method should be used in callback() in TrackChangesEditing#enableCommand to inform the track changes plugin about a suggestion that happened.

    Always call this method inside model.change() or model.enqueueChange() block to ensure that all operations performed by this method are bound with one undo step.

    When a format suggestion is accepted the command is executed based on parameters passed in formatData.

    If a block format suggestion is marked inside the local user's insertion suggestion, the change is applied directly and no suggestion is created. Note that this does not support partial intersections with insertion suggestions (as opposed to inline format suggestions).

    See the Integrating track changes with custom features guide to learn more about enabling your feature in the suggestion mode.


    elements : Array.<Element>

    Elements to be marked.

    formatData : Object

    Command parameters and additional suggestion parameters. Passed value is also saved in Suggestion#data property.

    formatData.commandName : String

    Name of the command to execute when the suggestion is accepted.

    formatData.commandParams : Array

    Parameters with which the command should be executed.

    [ formatData.formatGroupId ] : String

    Additional grouping parameter for suggestions. If a suggestion would be set on an element which already has a different suggestion with the same formatGroupId, the new suggestion will overwrite the old one (the old one will be removed). Defaults to commandName parameter, so different suggestions of the same command overwrite each other. Using this parameter you might expand this behavior so that multiple commands overwrite each other.

    Defaults to formatData.commandName

    [ affectedElements ] : Array.<Element>

    Elements (other than elementOrRange) that are also affected by the command execution. This parameter is used when the effect of the command execution is larger than elementOrRange. It is used when determining whether the change should be applied directly or if the suggestion should be created.

    [ subType ] : String | null

    Suggestion subType to set. If not set (which is the default and recommended use) the sub type value is a string hash generated from formatData. This guarantees that all block format suggestions that perform the same changes have the same sub types (and can be properly handled).

    [ attributes ] : Object

    Custom suggestion attributes.

  • markMultiRangeDeletion( ranges, [ subType ], [ attributes ] ) → Suggestion

    Marks a multi-range deletion suggestion spanning over given ranges.

    Each range of a multi-range deletion suggestion should contain exactly one element and should not be created on a text content.

    If the ranges to mark contain or are contained in insertion suggestions created by the local user, those insertion suggestions may be removed together with their content.

    trackChangesPlugin.markMultiRangeDeletion( deletedRanges );
    trackChangesPlugin.markMultiRangeDeletion( deletedRanges, 'customDeletion' );

    This method should be used in callback() in TrackChangesEditing#enableCommand to inform the track changes plugin about a suggestion that happened.

    Always call this method inside model.change() or model.enqueueChange() block to ensure that all operations performed by this method are bound with one undo step.

    See the Integrating track changes with custom features guide to learn more about enabling your feature in the suggestion mode.


    ranges : Array.<Range>

    Ranges which should be marked as deletion suggestion.

    [ subType ] : String

    Suggestion subType to set. Only suggestions with the same sub type will be joined.

    Defaults to 'multi'

    [ attributes ] : Object

    Custom suggestion attributes.



    Suggestion created or expanded as a result of execution of this method.

  • markMultiRangeInsertion( ranges, [ subType ], [ attributes ] ) → Suggestion

    Marks a multi-range insertion suggestion spanning over given ranges.

    It is expected that given ranges are ranges on just-created content and do not intersect with any other suggestion ranges.

    Each range of a multi-range insertion suggestion should contain exactly one element and should not be created on a text content.

    trackChangesPlugin.markMultiRangeInsertion( insertionRanges );
    trackChangesPlugin.markMultiRangeInsertion( insertionRanges, 'customInsertion' );

    This method should be used in callback() in TrackChangesEditing#enableCommand to inform the track changes plugin about a suggestion that happened.

    Always call this method inside model.change() or model.enqueueChange() block to ensure that all operations performed by this method are bound with one undo step.

    See the Integrating track changes with custom features guide to learn more about enabling your feature in the suggestion mode.


    ranges : Array.<Range>

    Ranges which got inserted.

    [ subType ] : String

    Suggestion subType to set. Only suggestions with the same sub type will be joined.

    Defaults to 'multi'

    [ attributes ] : Object

    Custom suggestion attributes.



    Suggestion created or expanded as a result of execution of this method.

  • off( event, callback )


    Stops executing the callback on the given event. Shorthand for this.stopListening( this, event, callback ).


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to stop being called.

  • on( event, callback, [ options ] = { [options.priority] } )


    Registers a callback function to be executed when an event is fired.

    Shorthand for this.listenTo( this, event, callback, options ) (it makes the emitter listen on itself).


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to be called on event.

    [ options ] : Object

    Additional options.

    [ options.priority ] : PriorityString | Number

    The priority of this event callback. The higher the priority value the sooner the callback will be fired. Events having the same priority are called in the order they were added.

    Defaults to 'normal'

    Defaults to {}

  • once( event, callback, [ options ] = { [options.priority] } )


    Registers a callback function to be executed on the next time the event is fired only. This is similar to calling on followed by off in the callback.


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to be called on event.

    [ options ] : Object

    Additional options.

    [ options.priority ] : PriorityString | Number

    The priority of this event callback. The higher the priority value the sooner the callback will be fired. Events having the same priority are called in the order they were added.

    Defaults to 'normal'

    Defaults to {}

  • set( name, [ value ] )


    Creates and sets the value of an observable property of this object. Such a property becomes a part of the state and is observable.

    It accepts also a single object literal containing key/value pairs with properties to be set.

    This method throws the observable-set-cannot-override error if the observable instance already has a property with the given property name. This prevents from mistakenly overriding existing properties and methods, but means that foo.set( 'bar', 1 ) may be slightly slower than = 1.


    name : String | Object

    The property's name or object with name=>value pairs.

    [ value ] : *

    The property's value (if name was passed in the first parameter).

  • stopDelegating( [ event ], [ emitter ] )


    Stops delegating events. It can be used at different levels:

    • To stop delegating all events.
    • To stop delegating a specific event to all emitters.
    • To stop delegating a specific event to a specific emitter.


    [ event ] : String

    The name of the event to stop delegating. If omitted, stops it all delegations.

    [ emitter ] : Emitter

    (requires event) The object to stop delegating a particular event to. If omitted, stops delegation of event to all emitters.

  • stopListening( [ emitter ], [ event ], [ callback ] )


    Stops listening for events. It can be used at different levels:

    • To stop listening to a specific callback.
    • To stop listening to a specific event.
    • To stop listening to all events fired by a specific object.
    • To stop listening to all events fired by all objects.


    [ emitter ] : Emitter

    The object to stop listening to. If omitted, stops it for all objects.

    [ event ] : String

    (Requires the emitter) The name of the event to stop listening to. If omitted, stops it for all events from emitter.

    [ callback ] : function

    (Requires the event) The function to be removed from the call list for the given event.

  • unbind( [ unbindProperties ] )


    Removes the binding created with bind.

    // Removes the binding for the 'a' property.
    A.unbind( 'a' );
    // Removes bindings for all properties.


    [ unbindProperties ] : String

    Observable properties to be unbound. All the bindings will be released if no properties are provided.

  • _addEventListener( event, callback, [ options ] = { [options.priority] } )

    protected mixed

    Adds callback to emitter for given event.


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to be called on event.

    [ options ] : Object

    Additional options.

    [ options.priority ] : PriorityString | Number

    The priority of this event callback. The higher the priority value the sooner the callback will be fired. Events having the same priority are called in the order they were added.

    Defaults to 'normal'

    Defaults to {}

  • _removeEventListener( event, callback )

    protected mixed

    Removes callback from emitter for given event.


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to stop being called.


  • change:activeMarkers( eventInfo, name, value, oldValue )

    Fired when the activeMarkers property changed value.


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    name : String

    Name of the changed property (activeMarkers).

    value : Array.<String>

    New value of the activeMarkers property with given key or null, if operation should remove property.

    oldValue : Array.<String>

    Old value of the activeMarkers property with given key or null, if property was not set before.

  • change:isEnabled( eventInfo, name, value, oldValue )


    Fired when the isEnabled property changed value.


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    name : String

    Name of the changed property (isEnabled).

    value : Boolean

    New value of the isEnabled property with given key or null, if operation should remove property.

    oldValue : Boolean

    Old value of the isEnabled property with given key or null, if property was not set before.

  • change:{property}( eventInfo, name, value, oldValue )


    Fired when a property changed value.

    observable.set( 'prop', 1 );
    observable.on( 'change:prop', ( evt, propertyName, newValue, oldValue ) => {
    	console.log( `${ propertyName } has changed from ${ oldValue } to ${ newValue }` );
    } );
    observable.prop = 2; // -> 'prop has changed from 1 to 2'


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    name : String

    The property name.

    value : *

    The new property value.

    oldValue : *

    The previous property value.

  • set:{property}( eventInfo, name, value, oldValue )


    Fired when a property value is going to be set but is not set yet (before the change event is fired).

    You can control the final value of the property by using the event's return property.

    observable.set( 'prop', 1 );
    observable.on( 'set:prop', ( evt, propertyName, newValue, oldValue ) => {
    	console.log( `Value is going to be changed from ${ oldValue } to ${ newValue }` );
    	console.log( `Current property value is ${ observable[ propertyName ] }` );
    	// Let's override the value.
    	evt.return = 3;
    } );
    observable.on( 'change:prop', ( evt, propertyName, newValue, oldValue ) => {
    	console.log( `Value has changed from ${ oldValue } to ${ newValue }` );
    } );
    observable.prop = 2; // -> 'Value is going to be changed from 1 to 2'
                         // -> 'Current property value is 1'
                         // -> 'Value has changed from 1 to 3'

    Note: The event is fired even when the new value is the same as the old value.


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    name : String

    The property name.

    value : *

    The new property value.

    oldValue : *

    The previous property value.