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guideGeneral HTML Support

The General HTML Support (“GHS”) feature allows developers to easily enable HTML features that are not explicitly supported by any other dedicated CKEditor 5 plugins. It acts similarly to {@link @ckeditor4 guide/dev/acf/README Advanced Content Filter} (ACF) from CKEditor 4, a feature that filters incoming HTML content by transforming and deleting disallowed elements, attributes, classes and styles. GHS allows for adding this kind of markup to the source and prevents it from being filtered from the editor window and the output.

Some examples of HTML features that can be easily enabled using General HTML Support include:

  • The <section>, <article>, and <div> elements.
  • The <audio>, <video>, and <iframe> elements.
  • The <span> and <cite> elements.
  • Some of the attributes on existing dedicated CKEditor 5 features:
    • data-* and id attributes on e.g. <p> and <h1-h6>,
    • style and classes on e.g. <strong> and <a>.

The enabled HTML features can be loaded (e.g. via editor.setData()), pasted, output (e.g. via editor.getData()), and are visible in the editing area. Such content can also be edited in the editor, although, to a limited extent. Read more about it in the Level of support section.

# Demo

Use the source editing feature toolbar button Source editing to view and edit the HTML source of the document in the demo below. The configuration of this snippet can be found below the demo editor window.

General HTML support

The special editing GHS feature is enabled in this editor and configured to support all HTML features. This configuration will work similarly to allowedContent: true option from CKEditor 4.

This is a feature in constant development.

Read more

While already stable, the General HTML support feature is still being developed and expanded.

Use the source editing mode to add some features not yet covered by official plugins, like <span> or more <div> tags and see them rendered in the document.

If you'd like to learn how to create more restricted rules for the allowed content, read the configuration section and see the examples.

The General HTML Support feature is configured via the config.htmlSupport property. In it, you need to list the HTML features that should be handled by GHS.

There is a closely related source editing feature which allows access and edition of the HTML source code of the document. When paired, these two plugins let the user gain powerful control over the content editing.

# Level of support

The difference between specific CKEditor 5 features such as basic styles or headings and the HTML features enabled by GHS is that a plugin that supports a specific HTML feature provides a complete user experience for that feature, whereas GHS ensures only that such a content is accepted by the editor.

For instance, the dedicated bold feature offers a toolbar button used to make the selected text bold. Together with the autoformatting feature, it also allows for applying bold style to content by typing a Markdown shortcode (**foo**) in the editor. The headings feature offers a dropdown from which the user can choose a heading level and ensures that pressing Enter at the end of a heading creates a new paragraph (and not another heading).

The General HTML Support does not offer any UI for the enabled features and takes only the basic semantics of a given feature into account. If you enable support for <div>s via GHS, the user will not be able to create <div>s from the editor UI. The GHS will know that a <div> is a container element, so it can wrap other blocks (like paragraphs) but cannot be used inline (next to e.g. a <strong> element). It is, in this respect, similar to the content filtering (ACF) feature from CKEditor 4 as it allows creating a set or a list of markup tags that will not be stripped.

Therefore, GHS’s main use cases would be:

  • Ensuring backwards content compatibility with legacy systems.
  • Introducing basic support for missing HTML features at a low cost.

Taken the nature of GHS, you may consider installing the source editing feature alongside with it.

# Installation

To add this feature to your rich-text editor, install the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support package:

npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support

And add it to your plugin list configuration:

import GeneralHtmlSupport from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support/src/generalhtmlsupport';

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        plugins: [ GeneralHtmlSupport, ... ],
    } )
    .then( ... )
    .catch( ... );

Read more about installing plugins.

# Configuration

By default, enabling the GeneralHtmlSupport plugin does not enable support for any given element. The elements the user wants to be supported, need to be configured via the config.htmlSupport option:

ClassicEditor.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
    htmlSupport: {
        allow: [ /* HTML features to allow */ ],
        disallow: [ /* HTML features to disallow */ ]
} )

The notation of the allow and disallow rules looks as follows:

        // The element name to enable and/or extend with
        // the following styles, classes and other attributes.
        name: string|regexp,

        // Styles to allow (by name, name and value or just all).
        styles: object<string=>true|string|regexp>|array<string>|true,

        // Classes to allow (by name or just all).
        classes: array<string|regexp>|true,

        // Other attributes to allow (by name, name and value or just all).
        attributes: object<string=>true|string|regexp>|array<string>|true,

Several implementation examples:

htmlSupport: {
    allow: [
        // Enables plain <div> elements.
            name: 'div'

        // Enables plain <div>, <section> and <article> elements.
            name: /^(div|section|article)$/

        // Enables <div>s with all inline styles (but no other attributes).
            name: 'div',
            styles: true

        // Enables <div>s with foo and bar classes.
            name: 'div',
            classes: [ 'foo', 'bar' ]

        // Adds support for `foo` and `bar` classes to the already supported
        // <p> elements (those are enabled by the dedicated paragraph feature).
            name: 'p',
            classes: [ 'foo', 'bar' ]

        // Enables <div>s with foo="true" attribute and bar attribute that
        // can accept any value (boolean `true` value works as an asterisk).
            name: 'div',
            attributes: {
                foo: 'true',
                bar: true

        // Adds support for style="color: *" to the already supported
        // <p> and <h2-h4> elements.
            name: /^(p|h[2-4])$/',
            styles: { 'color': true }

The General HTML Support feature distinguishes several content types, each treated a bit differently:

  • Container elements (e.g. <section>, <div>).
  • Inline elements (e.g. <span>, <a>).
  • Object elements (e.g. <iframe>, <video>).

The enabled elements will not just be available “anywhere” in the content, as they still need to adhere to certain rules derived from the HTML schema and from common sense. Also, the behavior of specific types of elements in the editing area will be different. For instance, the object elements will only be selectable as a whole, and the inline elements will work the same as other formatting features supported by CKEditor 5 (e.g. bold, italic) do.

# Enabling all HTML features

It might be desired to enable all HTML features in some cases, so all elements and attributes will be allowed by the editor. It could be done with a special configuration:

htmlSupport: {
    allow: [
            name: /.*/,
            attributes: true,
            classes: true,
            styles: true

Please, keep in mind that enabling all HTML features creates a security risk. It is recommended to pass a list of disallowed elements and attributes to the configuration to make sure that any malicious code will not be saved and executed in the editor.

The above configuration will work similarly to allowedContent: true option from CKEditor 4.

# Security

When you set up the GHS to allow elements like <script> or attributes like onclick, you expose the users of your application to a possibly malicious markup — whether it is a code mistakenly copied from a risky website or purposely provided by a bad actor. An example of that could be: <div onclick="leakUserData()">.

The content inside the editor (what you see in the editing area) is filtered by default from typical content that could break the editor. However, the editor does not feature a full XSS filter. Thus, we recommend configuring GHS to enable specific HTML markup, instead of enabling all markup at once.

Moreover, as a general rule, not exclusive to GHS, there should always be a sanitization process present on the back-end side of your application. Even the best filtering done on the browser side of your application can be mitigated and every network call can be manipulated, thus bypassing the front-end filtering. This can quickly become a security risk.

In addition to the sanitization process and safe GHS configuration, it is highly recommended to set strict Content Security Policy rules.

# Enabling custom elements

Custom HTML elements with attributes and classes can be defined.

To use a new element, it has to be registered by DataSchema as one of the types below:

  • Inline element.
  • Block element.

To enable such elements and add attributes or classes to them, you need to use the allowElement and allowAttributes methods from the DataFilter API.

Base implementation example:

import ClassicEditor from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-editor-classic/src/classiceditor';
import Essentials from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-essentials/src/essentials';
import Paragraph from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paragraph/src/paragraph';
import Plugin from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/plugin';
import SourceEditing from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-source-editing/src/sourceediting';
import GeneralHtmlSupport from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support/src/generalhtmlsupport';

 * A plugin extending General HTML Support for example custom HTML elements.
class ExtendHTMLSupport extends Plugin {
    static get requires() {
        return [ GeneralHtmlSupport ];

    init() {
        // Extend schema with custom HTML elements.
        const dataFilter = this.editor.plugins.get( 'DataFilter' );
        const dataSchema = this.editor.plugins.get( 'DataSchema' );

        // Inline element
        dataSchema.registerInlineElement( {
            view: 'element-inline',
            model: 'myElementInline'
        } );

        // Custom elements need to be registered using direct API instead of config.
        dataFilter.allowElement( 'element-inline' );
        dataFilter.allowAttributes( { name: 'element-inline', attributes: { 'data-foo': false }, classes: [ 'foo' ] } );

        // Block element
        dataSchema.registerBlockElement( {
            view: 'element-block',
            model: 'myElementBlock',
            modelSchema: {
                inheritAllFrom: '$block'
        } );

        dataFilter.allowElement( 'element-block' );

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        plugins: [
        htmlSupport: {
            allow: [
                    name: /.*/,
                    attributes: true,
                    classes: true,
                    styles: true
    } )

Both inline and block elements can be treated as object elements. To make it possible, it is necessary to set the isObject property to true.

// Inline object element
dataSchema.registerInlineElement( {
    view: 'object-inline',
    model: 'myObjectInline',
    isObject: true,
    modelSchema: {
        inheritAllFrom: '$inlineObject'
} );

dataFilter.allowElement( 'object-inline' );

// Block object element
dataSchema.registerBlockElement( {
    view: 'object-block',
    model: 'myObjectBlock',
    isObject: true,
    modelSchema: {
        inheritAllFrom: '$blockObject'
} );

dataFilter.allowElement( 'object-block' );

# Known issues

It is possible to add support for arbitrary styles, classes and other attributes to existing CKEditor 5 features (such as paragraphs, headings, list items, etc.). Most of the existing CKEditor 5 features can already be extended this way, however, some cannot yet. This includes e.g.: the <ul> and <ol> elements of the list feature (see: #9917).

We are open for feedback, so if you find any issue, feel free to report it in the main CKEditor 5 repository. You can also track other GHS-related issues on GitHub.

# HTML comments

By default, all HTML comments are filtered out during the editor initialization. The HtmlComment feature allows developers to keep them in the document content and retrieve them back, e.g. while saving the editor data. The comments are transparent from the users point of view and they are not displayed in the editable content.

The HTML comment feature is experimental and not yet production-ready.

The support for HTML comments is at the basic level so far - see the known issues section below.

# Demo

The CKEditor 5 instance below is configured to keep the HTML comments in the document content. You can view the source of the document using source editing feature. Toggle the source editing mode Source editing to see that the HTML comment is present in the document source. You can uncomment the paragraph below the picture and upon leaving the source editing mode, you will see this paragraph in the editable area.

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# Installation

To add this feature to your rich-text editor, install the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support package:

npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support

Then add it to the editor configuration:

import HtmlComment from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-support/src/htmlcomment';

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        plugins: [ HtmlComment, ... ],
    } )
    .then( ... )
    .catch( ... );

Read more about installing plugins.

HTML comment feature does not require any configuration.

# Known issues

The main issue with the HTML comments feature is that comments can be easily repositioned or lost in various cases #10118, #10119. Also copying and pasting (or dragging and dropping) elements containing HTML comments within the editor does not work as expected #10127.

We are open for feedback, so if you find any issue, feel free to report it in the main CKEditor 5 repository.

There are other HTML editing related CKEditor 5 features you may want to check:

  • Source editing – Provides the ability for viewing and editing the source of the document. When paired, these two plugins let the user gain powerful control over the content editing.
  • HTML embed – Allows embedding an arbitrary HTML snippet in the editor. It is a more constrained and controllable approach to arbitrary HTML than GHS.

# Contribute

The source code of the feature is available on GitHub in