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guideMentions (autocompletion)

The Mention feature brings support for smart autocompletion based on user input. When a user types a pre-configured marker, such as @ or #, they get autocomplete suggestions in a panel displayed next to the caret. The selected suggestion is then inserted into the content.

You can read more about possible implementations of the mention feature in a dedicated blog post.

# Demo

You can type the “@” character to invoke the mention autocomplete UI. The demo below is configured to suggest a static list of names (“Barney”, “Lily”, “Marry Ann”, “Marshall”, “Robin”, and “Ted”).

Hello @Ted.

Check out the more advanced example of the mention feature used in a chat application.

In addition to enabling mentions, you may want to check the following productivity features:

  • Automatic text transformation – Allows to automatically turn snippets such as (tm) into and "foo" into “foo”.
  • Autolink – Turns the links and email addresses typed or pasted into the editor into active URLs.
  • Autoformatting – Allows to quickly apply formatting to the content you are writing.

# Configuration

The minimal configuration of the mention feature requires defining a feed and a marker. You can also define the minimumCharacters parameter, setting the number of letters after which the autocomplete panel will show up. Moreover, feed items’ IDs may include whitespaces.

The code snippet below was used to configure the demo above. It defines the list of names that will be autocompleted after the user types the “@” character.

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        // This feature is not available in any of the builds.
        // See the "Installation" section.
        plugins: [ Mention, ... ],

        mention: {
            feeds: [
                    marker: '@',
                    feed: [ '@Barney', '@Lily', '@Marry Ann', '@Marshall', '@Robin', '@Ted' ],
                    minimumCharacters: 1
    } )
    .then( ... )
    .catch( ... );

Additionally, you can configure:

# Providing the feed

The feed can be provided as:

  • A static array – Good for scenarios with a relatively small set of autocomplete items.
  • A callback – It provides more control over the returned list of items.

When using a callback you can return a Promise that resolves with the list of matching feed items. These can be simple strings or plain objects with at least the name property. The other properties of this object can later be used e.g. when customizing the autocomplete list or customizing the output.

When using external resources to obtain the feed it is recommended to add some caching mechanism so subsequent calls for the same suggestion would load faster.

You can also consider adding the minimumCharacters option to the feed configuration so the editor will call the feed callback after some minimum number of characters typed instead of an action on a marker alone.

The callback receives the query text which should be used to filter item suggestions. It should return a Promise and resolve it with an array of items that match the feed text.

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        // This feature is not available in any of the builds.
        // See the "Installation" section.
        plugins: [ Mention, ... ],

        mention: {
            feeds: [
                    marker: '@',
                    feed: getFeedItems
    } )
    .then( ... )
    .catch( ... );

const items = [
    { id: '@swarley', userId: '1', name: 'Barney Stinson', link: '' },
    { id: '@lilypad', userId: '2', name: 'Lily Aldrin', link: '' },
    { id: '@marry', userId: '3', name: 'Marry Ann Lewis', link: '' },
    { id: '@marshmallow', userId: '4', name: 'Marshall Eriksen', link: '' },
    { id: '@rsparkles', userId: '5', name: 'Robin Scherbatsky', link: '' },
    { id: '@tdog', userId: '6', name: 'Ted Mosby', link: '' }

function getFeedItems( queryText ) {
    // As an example of an asynchronous action, return a promise
    // that resolves after a 100ms timeout.
    // This can be a server request or any sort of delayed action.
    return new Promise( resolve => {
        setTimeout( () => {
            const itemsToDisplay = items
                // Filter out the full list of all items to only those matching the query text.
                .filter( isItemMatching )
                // Return 10 items max - needed for generic queries when the list may contain hundreds of elements.
                .slice( 0, 10 );

            resolve( itemsToDisplay );
        }, 100 );
    } );

    // Filtering function - it uses the `name` and `username` properties of an item to find a match.
    function isItemMatching( item ) {
        // Make the search case-insensitive.
        const searchString = queryText.toLowerCase();

        // Include an item in the search results if the name or username includes the current user input.
        return (
   searchString ) ||
   searchString )

A full, working demo with all possible customizations and its source code is available at the end of this section.

# Customizing the autocomplete list

# Styling

The items displayed in the autocomplete list can be customized by defining the itemRenderer callback.

This callback takes a feed item (it contains at least the name property) and must return a new DOM element.

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        plugins: [ Mention, ... ],
        mention: {
            feeds: [
                    feed: [ ... ],
                    // Define the custom item renderer.
                    itemRenderer: customItemRenderer
    } )
    .then( ... )
    .catch( ... );

function customItemRenderer( item ) {
    const itemElement = document.createElement( 'span' );

    itemElement.classList.add( 'custom-item' ); = `mention-list-item-id-${ item.userId }`;
    itemElement.textContent = `${ } `;

    const usernameElement = document.createElement( 'span' );

    usernameElement.classList.add( 'custom-item-username' );
    usernameElement.textContent =;

    itemElement.appendChild( usernameElement );

    return itemElement;

A full, working demo with all possible customizations and its source code is available at the end of this section.

# List length

The number of items displayed in the autocomplete list can be customized by defining the dropdownLimit option.

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        plugins: [ Mention, ... ],
        mention: {
            feeds: [
                    // Define the custom number of visible mentions.
                    dropdownLimit: 4
                    feed: [ ... ]
    } )
    .then( ... )
    .catch( ... );

A full, working demo with all possible customizations and its source code is available at the end of this section.

# Customizing the output

In order to change the markup generated by the editor for mentions, you can overwrite the default converter of the mention feature. To do that, you must specify both upcast and downcast converters using AttributeElement.

The example below defines a plugin that overrides the default output:

<span data-mention="@Ted" class="mention">@Ted</span>

To a link:

<a class="mention" data-mention="@Ted" data-user-id="5" href="">@tdog</a>

The converters must be defined with a 'high' priority to be executed before the link feature’s converter and before the default converter of the mention feature. A mention is stored in the model as a text attribute that stores an object (see MentionFeedItem).

To control how the mention element is wrapped by other attribute elements (like bold, italic, etc) set its priority. To replicate default plugin behavior and make mention to be wrapped by other elements set priority to 20.

By default, attribute elements that are next to each other and have the same value will be rendered as single HTML element. To prevent this the model attribute value object expose a unique id of each inserted mention to the model as uid. To prevent merging subsequent mentions set it as id.

Note: The feature prevents copying fragments of existing mentions. If only a part of a mention is selected, it will be copied as plain text. The internal converter with the 'highest' priority controls this behaviour; thus, we do not recommend adding mention converters with the 'highest' priority to avoid collisions and quirky results.

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        plugins: [ Mention, MentionCustomization, ... ], // Add the custom mention plugin function.
        mention: {
            // Configuration...
    } )
    .then( ... )
    .catch( ... );

function MentionCustomization( editor ) {
    // The upcast converter will convert view <a class="mention" href="" data-user-id="">
    // elements to the model 'mention' text attribute.
    editor.conversion.for( 'upcast' ).elementToAttribute( {
        view: {
            name: 'a',
            key: 'data-mention',
            classes: 'mention',
            attributes: {
                href: true,
                'data-user-id': true
        model: {
            key: 'mention',
            value: viewItem => {
                // The mention feature expects that the mention attribute value
                // in the model is a plain object with a set of additional attributes.
                // In order to create a proper object use the toMentionAttribute() helper method:
                const mentionAttribute = editor.plugins.get( 'Mention' ).toMentionAttribute( viewItem, {
                    // Add any other properties that you need.
                    link: viewItem.getAttribute( 'href' ),
                    userId: viewItem.getAttribute( 'data-user-id' )
                } );

                return mentionAttribute;
        converterPriority: 'high'
    } );

    // Downcast the model 'mention' text attribute to a view <a> element.
    editor.conversion.for( 'downcast' ).attributeToElement( {
        model: 'mention',
        view: ( modelAttributeValue, { writer } ) => {
            // Do not convert empty attributes (lack of value means no mention).
            if ( !modelAttributeValue ) {

            return writer.createAttributeElement( 'a', {
                class: 'mention',
                'data-user-id': modelAttributeValue.userId,
            }, {
                // Make mention attribute to be wrapped by other attribute elements.
                priority: 20,
                // Prevent merging mentions together.
                id: modelAttributeValue.uid
            } );
        converterPriority: 'high'
    } );

A full, working demo with all possible customizations and its source code is available at the end of this section.

# Fully customized mention feed

Below is an example of a customized mention feature that:

  • Uses a feed of items with additional properties (id, username, link).
  • Renders custom item views in the autocomplete panel.
  • Converts a mention to an <a> element instead of a <span>.
  • Limits a number of mentions to 4 elements.

Hello @tdog!

# Source code

    .create( document.querySelector( '#snippet-mention-customization' ), {
        plugins: [ Mention, MentionCustomization, ... ],
        mention: {
            dropdownLimit: 4,
            feeds: [
                    marker: '@',
                    feed: getFeedItems,
                    itemRenderer: customItemRenderer
    } )
    .then( editor => {
        window.editor = editor;
    } )
    .catch( err => {
        console.error( err.stack );
    } );

function MentionCustomization( editor ) {
    // The upcast converter will convert <a class="mention" href="" data-user-id="">
    // elements to the model 'mention' attribute.
    editor.conversion.for( 'upcast' ).elementToAttribute( {
        view: {
            name: 'a',
            key: 'data-mention',
            classes: 'mention',
            attributes: {
                href: true,
                'data-user-id': true
        model: {
            key: 'mention',
            value: viewItem => {
                // The mention feature expects that the mention attribute value
                // in the model is a plain object with a set of additional attributes.
                // In order to create a proper object, use the toMentionAttribute helper method:
                const mentionAttribute = editor.plugins.get( 'Mention' ).toMentionAttribute( viewItem, {
                    // Add any other properties that you need.
                    link: viewItem.getAttribute( 'href' ),
                    userId: viewItem.getAttribute( 'data-user-id' )
                } );

                return mentionAttribute;
        converterPriority: 'high'
    } );

    // Downcast the model 'mention' text attribute to a view <a> element.
    editor.conversion.for( 'downcast' ).attributeToElement( {
        model: 'mention',
        view: ( modelAttributeValue, { writer } ) => {
            // Do not convert empty attributes (lack of value means no mention).
            if ( !modelAttributeValue ) {

            return writer.createAttributeElement( 'a', {
                class: 'mention',
                'data-user-id': modelAttributeValue.userId,
            }, {
                // Make mention attribute to be wrapped by other attribute elements.
                priority: 20,
                // Prevent merging mentions together.
                id: modelAttributeValue.uid
            } );
        converterPriority: 'high'
    } );

const items = [
    { id: '@swarley', userId: '1', name: 'Barney Stinson', link: '' },
    { id: '@lilypad', userId: '2', name: 'Lily Aldrin', link: '' },
    { id: '@marry', userId: '3', name: 'Marry Ann Lewis', link: '' },
    { id: '@marshmallow', userId: '4', name: 'Marshall Eriksen', link: '' },
    { id: '@rsparkles', userId: '5', name: 'Robin Scherbatsky', link: '' },
    { id: '@tdog', userId: '6', name: 'Ted Mosby', link: '' }

function getFeedItems( queryText ) {
    // As an example of an asynchronous action, return a promise
    // that resolves after a 100ms timeout.
    // This can be a server request or any sort of delayed action.
    return new Promise( resolve => {
        setTimeout( () => {
            const itemsToDisplay = items
                // Filter out the full list of all items to only those matching the query text.
                .filter( isItemMatching )
                // Return 10 items max - needed for generic queries when the list may contain hundreds of elements.
                .slice( 0, 10 );

            resolve( itemsToDisplay );
        }, 100 );
    } );

    // Filtering function - it uses `name` and `username` properties of an item to find a match.
    function isItemMatching( item ) {
        // Make the search case-insensitive.
        const searchString = queryText.toLowerCase();

        // Include an item in the search results if name or username includes the current user input.
        return (
   searchString ) ||
   searchString )

function customItemRenderer( item ) {
    const itemElement = document.createElement( 'span' );

    itemElement.classList.add( 'custom-item' ); = `mention-list-item-id-${ item.userId }`;
    itemElement.textContent = `${ } `;

    const usernameElement = document.createElement( 'span' );

    usernameElement.classList.add( 'custom-item-username' );
    usernameElement.textContent =;

    itemElement.appendChild( usernameElement );

    return itemElement;

# Colors and styles

# Using CSS variables

The mention feature is using the power of CSS variables which are defined in the Lark theme stylesheet. Thanks to that, mention styles can be easily customized:

:root {
    /* Make the mention background blue. */
    --ck-color-mention-background: hsla(220, 100%, 54%, 0.4);

    /* Make the mention text dark grey. */
    --ck-color-mention-text: hsl(0, 0%, 15%);

Hello @Ted.

# Installation

To add this feature to your editor, install the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-mention package:

npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-mention

Then add Mention to your plugin list and configure the feature:

import Mention from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-mention/src/mention';

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        plugins: [ Mention, ... ],
        mention: {
            // Configuration...
    } )
    .then( ... )
    .catch( ... );

Read more about installing plugins.

# Common API

The Mention plugin registers:

  • The 'mention' command implemented by MentionCommand.

    You can insert a mention element by executing the following code:

    editor.execute( 'mention', { marker: '@', mention: '@John' } );

We recommend using the official CKEditor 5 inspector for development and debugging. It will give you tons of useful information about the state of the editor such as internal data structures, selection, commands, and many more.

# Contribute

The source code of the feature is available on GitHub in